Parks & Recreation

Arrowhead Archery opens at 8 A.M. till dusk each day. Before use, all archers must have a current Arrowhead Archery pass. Archers must provide their equipment: bows, arrows—string, quiver, scope.. etc. However, targets are provided for different shooting radius. Before using the archery range, please review the range’s safety rules. Please take note that Crossbows, X – Bows, and Broadheadsare are not permitted on the range.
$5/day pass for individual
$15/day pass for family
$50/year passes for individual
$75/year passes for family
Purchase passes at the Parks and Rec Administrative office located at Traceway Park.
Please report any unsafe conditions to the CPRD office or call 601-924-6082. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL 911.
Hampstead Boulevard Walking Path: 3.13 miles, Eastside/Northside Elementary Shared Use Trail: 1.02 miles, Brighton Park Walking/Running Trail: 0.53 miles, Northside Park Walking Trail: 0.24 miles, Arrow Drive Shared Use Trail: 2.09 miles, Mississippi College Walking Trail (Daylight Hours Only): 0.37 miles, Traceway Park – Baseball/Softball: 1.04 miles, Traceway Park – Soccer Multi Use Trail: 0.35 miles
Updates are sent out at approximately 2pm on weekdays, excluding Wednesdays, as all fields are closed on Wednesdays as per City Ordinance. Weekend updates are sent within 30 minutes of park opening (Sat 7:30am, Sun 1:30pm).
New updates will only be sent out if the previous update has expired and is no longer valid, with the exception for Mondays. We will start the week off with an update on Monday, regardless if the status from Sunday has not changed.
For example, on Monday at 2:00 p.m. an update is sent out with “all fields open”. It rains on Tuesday, so an update is sent out at 2pm with “all fields closed”. Sun shines all day Wednesday (no new update, because fields are automatically closed). Thursday it’s still sun shining, an update at 2pm will come out saying “all fields open”. Friday the sun is still out, so there is no update sent at 2pm, because the current status is still valid.
By subscribing to receive the Field Status messages, you get the updates as soon as they are sent. No need to go looking online, or calling the hotline to find out. Once your season is over, and you don’t want to receive updates, simply unsubscribe until you’re ready to subscribe again.
To receive text notifications, simply text CPRD to 855-785-7896.
Pavilion Rentals
Clinton Parks are home to several outdoor pavilions located in our parks system that are available for rent. In order to reserve these facilities, please click here
Tennis Court Reservations
Courts are available for reservation after 5:00 p.m. These courts are first come first serve unless courts have been previously reserved.
From our renowned Lion’s Club Park to the new and exciting Bark Park, Clinton offers recreational opportunities to people (and pets) from all walks of life.
Brighton Park
Kids Towne Park
Northside Park
Traceway Park
Town Spring Park
Lions Club Park
Robinson Park
Bark Park
For all reservations, programs, and activities, please visit the parks and rec website
Arrowhead Archery opens at 8 A.M. till dusk each day. Before use, all archers must have a current Arrowhead Archery pass. Archers must provide their equipment: bows, arrows—string, quiver, scope.. etc. However, targets are provided for different shooting radius. Before using the archery range, please review the range’s safety rules. Please take note that Crossbows, X – Bows, and Broadheadsare are not permitted on the range.
$5/day pass for individual
$15/day pass for family
$50/year passes for individual
$75/year passes for family
Purchase passes at the Parks and Rec Administrative office located at Traceway Park.
Please report any unsafe conditions to the CPRD office or call 601-924-6082. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL 911.
Hampstead Boulevard Walking Path: 3.13 miles, Eastside/Northside Elementary Shared Use Trail: 1.02 miles, Brighton Park Walking/Running Trail: 0.53 miles, Northside Park Walking Trail: 0.24 miles, Arrow Drive Shared Use Trail: 2.09 miles, Mississippi College Walking Trail (Daylight Hours Only): 0.37 miles, Traceway Park – Baseball/Softball: 1.04 miles, Traceway Park – Soccer Multi Use Trail: 0.35 miles
Updates are sent out at approximately 2pm on weekdays, excluding Wednesdays, as all fields are closed on Wednesdays as per City Ordinance. Weekend updates are sent within 30 minutes of park opening (Sat 7:30am, Sun 1:30pm).
New updates will only be sent out if the previous update has expired and is no longer valid, with the exception for Mondays. We will start the week off with an update on Monday, regardless if the status from Sunday has not changed.
For example, on Monday at 2:00 p.m. an update is sent out with “all fields open”. It rains on Tuesday, so an update is sent out at 2pm with “all fields closed”. Sun shines all day Wednesday (no new update, because fields are automatically closed). Thursday it’s still sun shining, an update at 2pm will come out saying “all fields open”. Friday the sun is still out, so there is no update sent at 2pm, because the current status is still valid.
By subscribing to receive the Field Status messages, you get the updates as soon as they are sent. No need to go looking online, or calling the hotline to find out. Once your season is over, and you don’t want to receive updates, simply unsubscribe until you’re ready to subscribe again.
To receive text notifications, simply text CPRD to 855-785-7896.
Pavilion Rentals
Clinton Parks are home to several outdoor pavilions located in our parks system that are available for rent. In order to reserve these facilities, please click here
Tennis Court Reservations
Courts are available for reservation after 5:00 p.m. These courts are first come first serve unless courts have been previously reserved.
From our renowned Lion’s Club Park to the new and exciting Bark Park, Clinton offers recreational opportunities to people (and pets) from all walks of life.
Brighton Park
Kids Towne Park
Northside Park
Traceway Park
Town Spring Park
Lions Club Park
Robinson Park
Bark Park
For all reservations, programs, and activities, please visit the parks and rec website
Annual Parks & Rec Events
The Haunting of Olde
Towne (HOOT)
Bark Park
July 4th: Red White
& Blue Fest
Towne Park (HOOT)
Bark Park
& Blues Fireworks
Of Events
Stay Informed and Engaged!
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