Vote June 6 | 7am to 7pm Traceway Park

Vote June 6 | 7am to 7pm Traceway Park

On June 6, 2023 from 7am to 7pm at Traceway Park a special vote will be held on the renewal of the 1% hotel tax for park maintenance. Differing from the 2% restaurant tax for park improvements, the purpose of the 1% hotel tax is to maintain the infrastructure and...
Broadway & Springridge Rd Sewer Repair

Broadway & Springridge Rd Sewer Repair

The City of Clinton has determined that a 60’ stretch of existing gravity sewer located within the southbound travel lane of Springridge Road at Broadway Street needs replacement. With this in mind and to make this repair/replacement as expeditiously as possible, the...

2% Parks & Recreation Survey

We want to hear from YOU! How would you like to see the 2% restaurant tax increase used to increase the quality of life in Clinton through our city parks and recreational areas? Take this quick Parks & Recreation survey to share your ideas:...

Clinton Hosts Community-Wide Job Fair

In an effort to connect residents of Clinton with job openings within their own community, the City of Clinton and the Clinton Chamber of Commerce are hosting a job fair on April 26, 2023, at The Wood Activity Center in Clinton from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Whether...

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

CITY OF CLINTON 2023 SPECIAL ELECTION CALENDAR ON THE MEDICINAL MARIJUANA REFERENDUM February 8, 2023  Absentee balloting begins at the City Clerk’s office in Brighton Park at 530 Brighton Park Drive. February 18, 2023 and February 25, 2023 City Clerk’s office in...

Clinton Crime Statistics

In 2021, named Clinton the 3rd safest city in the state of Mississippi for the third year in a row. While being the only city in the top three to share a city limit with one of the most dangerous cities in the nation, the Clinton Police Department has...