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Recreation Departments Receive Awards at MRPA Annual Conference
The Clinton Parks & Recreation and Therapeutic Recreation teams had an incredible showing at the 2025 MRPA Annual Conference in Natchez, Mississippi, bringing home multiple awards and earning well-deserved recognition for their outstanding work in the community!
2023 Street & Lot Paving in Clinton, MS
Please see the location and dates for the City of Clinton 2023 Street & Lot Paving Improvement Schedule:
Clinton Opening City Building for Residents Without Power
Currently the city of Clinton still has 2200 Clintonians without power from Friday morning’s storm.
Proposed City of Clinton Ward Maps
Below are the three proposed ward maps still being considered by the Board of Aldermen:
Vote June 6 | 7am to 7pm Traceway Park
On June 6, 2023 from 7am to 7pm at Traceway Park a special vote will be held on the renewal of the 1% hotel tax for park maintenance. Differing from the 2% restaurant tax for park improvements, the purpose of the 1% hotel tax is to maintain the infrastructure and maintenance of our parks which incur unforeseen expenses that are necessary for everyday use and safety after the yearly budget has been set. Currently, the funds collected from the 1% hotel tax have been used in the following ways: Ins …
Broadway & Springridge Rd Sewer Repair
The City of Clinton has determined that a 60’ stretch of existing gravity sewer located within the southbound travel lane of Springridge Road at Broadway Street needs replacement. With this in mind and to make this repair/replacement as expeditiously as possible, the City has contracted with a utility contractor. Unfortunately, the work will require that travel lanes within the southbound and northbound Springridge Road and the exit from the shopping area on the west side be temporarily closed w …